PollyReports Additional Bands

I’ve added a new feature to the 1.7.6 version of PollyReports: additionalbands.  A Band instance may have one or more additionalbands defined (as a list of Band instances), and each will be rendered in order after the parent band renders.

Conceptually, this is much like the existing childbands feature; however, childbands become “part” of the parent band, rendering on the same page (and potentially forcing a page break before the parent band).  additionalbands are separate from the parent band, and from each other.

I added the feature to deal with a report that needed a two page long report footer.  So that’s what it’s for.

additionalbands render as part of the detailband, in groupheaders and groupfooters, and in the reportfooter.  They are not rendered as part of a pageheader or pagefooter band.  Also note that additionalbands will render childbands of their own.

Remember, you can get PollyReports using pip or by cloning the Github repo at:
